Best AI Detectors in 2024


AI Detectors are as useful as the AI content tools in today’s corporate world, and hence we have made a list of the best AI detectors in 2024 to ease your work.

Best AI content detectors 2024, Most accurate AI content detectors, best AI content detector in 2024, Detect AI-written content 2024, top AI content detection services 2024
Best AI Detectors in 2024

Writing is an art that has soaked into every human pursuit because it is the medium of communication. No one can hope to have working relationships with subpar writing. This is where AI lightens our load. Editors, publishers, educators, writers, and pretty much everybody else has been affected big time by AI and this effect is going to snowball. Therefore, authenticity and originality must be assured at all costs. And to cater to this matter, we have AI detection technology.

Here are the top AI detector tools that you can use in your daily life.

Best AI Detectors in 2024

Winston AI

The default text on Winston AI’s landing page is a piece about Winston Churchill, the namesake of this service. This tool is used by esteemed companies like BBC, The Guardian, Forbes, and others. The track record certainly seems impressive.

The major highlight of this tool is whether you’re pasting text or uploading a file, its straightforward interface guides you through the detection process without unnecessary fuss.

These are the major features of Winston AI:

  • Quick Scan Capability: For those in a jiffy, Winston AI offers a rapid scan option that determines the content’s authenticity swiftly.
  • Multilingual Support: Perfect for global content managers, Winston AI covers multiple languages. So even if it’s Greek to you, this tool can do its job.

Even more than the first name on this list, Winston AI boasts up to 99.6% precision in sniffing out AI-generated text. It’s a reassuring figure backed by its efficient algorithms designed to minimize false positives. It is exceptionally accurate, especially in detecting GPT-4 generated texts.

This AI detector tool is a little expensive in our opinion with respect to its services. However, Winston AI offers flexibility with pricing tiers to suit various needs. From a free basic plan for casual users to more robust paid options starting at $12 a month, you can choose the level that fits your detection demands.

If you’re a writer verifying blog posts, an educator combatting plagiarism, or a marketer ensuring content authenticity, Winston AI caters to professionals who value reliable content scrutiny.

Originality AI

Endorsed by big names in the industry, like Neil Patel, The New York Times, The Guardian, and others, Originality AI’s name says it all. They have the latest tech to help you segregate original content from ripped-off material. Claiming a near-perfect score for reliability, this AI content detector lets you “Publish with Integrity.”

Originality AI does not beat around the bush. Simply register, upload your text, and hit ‘Detect’. The platform offers intuitive navigation, supporting various input methods for convenience.

Here are some of the USPs of Originality AI we think are worth mentioning.

  • Integration of AI detection and plagiarism checking in a single platform.
  • Extensive compatibility with file uploads, direct website scanning, and a Chrome extension.
  • Readability scoring and customizable report sharing enhance usability.

The word on the street, or on the landing page, is that Originality AI has an accuracy of 99% in detecting AI-generated text. Even if this is not to be taken to the word at face value, this service promises a high accuracy for reliable results.

This AI detector has a few different subscription options. And they ask for a credit card right at the signup. Pay-as-you-go starts at $30 for 3000 credits and monthly plans from $14.95 for 2000 credits, with additional credits available at a competitive rate. Note: the website claims this service is not for students. Go figure.

Content at Scale

Content at Scale proudly proclaims that it was around since before ChatGPT and has been improved upon since. The brand offers a variety of services, one of them being AI content detection. At a single glance, it is a solid mix of simplicity and advanced features tailored for varied user needs.

This AI detector tool boasts an easy-to-navigate interface, allowing users to quickly input their text and get results. The straightforward design makes it user-friendly even for those unfamiliar with AI tools.

Content at Scale includes a range of features that improve its functionality:

  • Bulk content analysis for high-volume needs.
  • Detailed reports highlighting AI-generated segments.
  • Integration capabilities with multiple content platforms.

Content at Scale utilizes sophisticated AI algorithms to ensure high accuracy in detecting AI-generated content. It is currently free, for small-time jobs, specifically texts under 2500 characters. Beyond this, the pricing is flexible, with a free trial available for new users. Paid plans start at $30 per month, offering more extensive features and higher usage limits, suitable for heavier workloads.

This AI detector will work for businesses, agencies, and large content creators who need to verify high volumes of text regularly.

Best AI content detectors 2024, Most accurate AI content detectors, best AI content detector in 2024, Detect AI-written content 2024, top AI content detection services 2024


GPTZero stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer Zero, and it is not developed by OpenAI despite the brand name. This service claims to fight AI content with the latest research for detecting content generated by Google Gemini, ChatGPT, GPT 4, and other models.

Go straight to the point by copying and pasting the dubious text into the scanner. No signups are required. You get a detailed part-by-part analysis of the text with some complex diagrams that reveal some complex information.

  • Sentence-by-sentence breakdown of the text
  • Color coding for AI-generated content
  • Statistical analysis with visuals that explain nuances of the investigation

GPTZero clocks in at 52% on the accuracy meter. Not as high as most of the other services on this list. This is due to its binary judgments, that is, the text is either AI-generated or its not.

The free version if this AI detector tool has a limit of 7 checks an hour and 10,000 words monthly. The Essential paid plan, which is worth $10/month, amps up the limit to 150,000 words per month. The Premium paid plan, at $16/month, doubles the previous limit, that is, 300,000 words per month, while also sprinkling in plagiarism checks and unlimited batch capabilities. This price variation reflects individual to enterprise-level needs.

The ideal client for GPTZero is a student or a teacher, that is, it is poised more towards the education sector.


If there ever was a straightforward AI content detector, Writer is it. You insert the text and it pumps out a percentage likelihood of it being AI-generated—end of story. Even the aesthetic of the website is binary. Simplicity is the name of the game here.

As mentioned, you copy and paste the text and Writer pumps out a percentage of the likelihood of it being AI-generated. The maximum limit, however, is 5,000 words. You can also add a URL to a webpage to have its contents analyzed.

  • Straightforward and easy-to-use
  • Multiple language support
  • Automated citation

A test by Scribbr reported technical issues with Writer. When the service did work, it was ranked at a subpar 38% accuracy score. Apparently, it was completely fooled by GPT-4 content and most of the paraphrased content. However, for a free tool, it is not totally worthless.

This AI detector is free and easy to use. You can directly scan webpages and it also provides free grammar checking. However, you don’t have the option of uploading files or images and there is no color-coding or AI vs human text.

And that is all that was on our list of best AI detector tools. Well, it is essential to stay up to date with both sides of the coin because AI is a double-edged sword. This will allow you to not drown in the ever-changing landscape of content creation. AI content creation cannot replace human judgment, so do use AI detection tools to make better judgments.

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