Palworld Precious Pelt: Easy guide on how to get Precious Pelt and use them

Palworld Precious Pelt, how to get Precious Pelt in Palworld, how to use Palworld Precious Pelt, Precious Pelt Palworld, Precious Pelt in Palworld
Palworld Precious Pelt: Easy guide on how to get Precious Pelt and use them

When you explore Palpagos Island, you’ll find valuable items, and one of them is the Palworld Precious Pelt. It’s a rare and valuable material that you can get by defeating strong Field Bosses. Once you have the Precious Pelt, you can exchange it for a good amount of Gold. Here’s a simple guide on how to get Palworld Precious pelt and use it.

How to Get Palworld Precious Pelt?

You can only get Precious Pelt from special bosses called Field Bosses in Palworld, not from regular Pals. These bosses are much stronger than regular Pals, and defeating them will reward you with Precious Pelts and other rare items.

The first Field Boss that drops Precious Pelt is Chillet, a level 11 ice/dark Pal in the central region. There are more than 40 bosses of different difficulties across the islands, and their locations are the same for every player. Start with easier bosses and progress to harder ones.

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To defeat a Field Boss, plan and use Pals with element affinities effective against the boss. Instead of defeating them, try capturing them, as they become excellent Pals to have.

How to Use Palworld Precious Pelt?

You can only sell Precious Pelts for Gold pieces, as there are no crafting recipes that use them at the moment. People speculate that they might be used for making high-quality gear in the future. Right now, your only option is to take Precious Pelts to a merchant and exchange them for cash in Palworld.

To sell Palworld Precious Pelts, head to the Small Settlement in the middle of Palpagos Island. Look for a small house where you’ll find a Wandering Merchant. Each Precious Pelt you sell will get you 500 Gold. 

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So, if you defeat Chillet and collect six Precious Pelts, you can make 3,000 Gold by selling them all.

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Mohit is a freelance writer who loves writing games related blogs and news. When he's not writing, he's either reading fantasy books or playing the newest video games. He's a big fan of Mass Effect game series. Mohit really likes role-playing games, and sometimes he thinks of everyday conversations like a choose-your-own-adventure game.