The Finals Season 6 is here, bringing a brand-new Battle Pass filled with exciting rewards. Players can unlock some amazing weapon skins, stylish outfits, and fun emotes to spice up their gameplay.
There’s a free track and a premium track, with the premium option costing 1150 Multibucks. What’s great is that the premium pass lets players earn up to 1575 Multibucks, which could cover the next season’s pass.
Let’s get into all the details of this season’s rewards.
Detailed Breakdown of Battle Pass Pages
The Finals Season 6 Battle Pass, themed “Rising Stars,” offers a comprehensive array of 106 rewards inspired by the golden age of sports entertainment.
Players can unlock these rewards by progressing through the Battle Pass tiers, with both free and premium tracks available.
Below is a detailed breakdown of the items included in each page:
Page 1
Page 1 of The Finals Season 6 Battle Pass offers players the following rewards:
- Overtime Glory (Skin/ARN-220)
- Breaking Through (Background)
- 75 Multibucks
- Starbound (Sticker)
- Overtime Glory (Skin/CB-01 Repeater)
- 75 Multibucks
- Top Speed (Weapon Charm)
- Overtime Glory (Skin/M134 Minigun)
Page 2
Page 2 of The Finals Season 6 Battle Pass offers players a variety of cosmetic items and in-game currency to enhance their gaming experience. The rewards on this page include:
- Huddle Buddy (Sticker)
- Game Face (Body Paint)
- 75 Multibucks
- Touchdown Cutie (Lower Back)
- 75 Multibucks
- Final Yard (Gesture)
- First Round Talent (Background)
- Blitz Breaker (Outfit)
Page 3
Page 3 of The Finals Season 6 Battle Pass offers a variety of rewards for players. Here’s a an overview of the items available on this page:
- Pavement Pounder (Weapon Charm)
- Zero Mercy (Sticker)
- First Try! (Emote)
- 75 Multibucks
- Shell Shredder (Animation/SH1900)
- Shred District (Background)
- Crash Test Legend (Headwear)
- Decked Out (Skin/SH1900)
Page 4
Page 4 of The Finals Season 6 Battle Pass offers a variety of rewards, including:
- Dead Center (Spray)
- Alfa Cap (Headwear)
- 75 Multibucks
- Trigger Triumph (Weapon Charm)
- Prime Aim Specs (Facewear)
- 75 Multibucks
- Champion’s Token (Emblem)
- Marksmaster (Skin/V95)
Page 5
Page 5 offers players a variety of cosmetic items and in-game currency to enhance their gaming experience. The rewards on this page include:
- Brawly Pop (Weapon Charm)
- Omniguard Specs (Facewear)
- 75 Multibucks
- Ink to Win (Gesture)
- Sign of Stardom (Sticker)
- Flashpoint (Emote)
- 75 Multibucks
- Vigilant Authority (Outfit)
Page 6
Page 6 offers players a bunch of rewards, including:
- Click & Destroy (Weapon Charm)
- 75 Multibucks
- Lan Ready Set (Bundle)
- Thirst for Victory (Gesture)
- 75 Multibucks
- Canned Performance (Emote)
- Pole Position (Border)
- Type & Shoot (Skin/CB-01 Repeater)
Page 7
Page 7 offers a collection of race-themed cosmetic items designed to enhance your in-game appearance. The rewards on this page include:
- Checkered Charge (Spray)
- Lap Leader Gloves (Hands)
- Race Ready (Weapon Charm)
- 75 Multibucks
- Speed Surge Shirt (Upper Body)
- Final Flag (Emote)
- Corporate Clout (Sticker)
- Cash Chicane (Skin/ARN-220)
Page 8
In The Finals Season 6 Battle Pass, Page 8 offers the following rewards:
- Little Chief (Weapon Charm)
- 75 Multibucks
- Havana Moolah (Emoticon)
- MOO-D Breaker (Emote)
- Comfort Grazer (Border)
- 75 Multibucks
- Coolah Moolah (Sticker)
- Stampeder (Outfit)
Page 9
Page 9 offers players a selection of cosmetic items and in-game currency rewards. The items available on this page include:
Roost Rider (Emoticon)
Turbo Triage (Animation/Healing Beam)
75 Multibucks
Clutch Factor (Sticker)
Throttle Thrash (Sound)
75 Multibucks
Chain Reaction (Border)
Moto Medic (Skin/Healing Beam)
Page 10
Page 10 offers a collection of aquatic-themed rewards, enhancing the player’s customization options. The items available on this page are:
- Fin Fury (Spray)
- Deep Current (Background)
- Fin First Tee (Upper Body)
- 75 Multibucks
- Tail Strike (Body Paint)
- Splash Damage (Sticker)
- Scaled Showdown (Weapon Charm)
- Muay Fin (Pet)
Page 11
Page 11 of The Finals Season 6 Battle Pass offers a selection of aviation-themed rewards:
- Bogey Alert (Sticker)
- Hard Deck (Spray)
- 75 Multibucks
- Big Sky (Background)
- 75 Multibucks
- Mach Buster (Sound)
- Final Boarding (Weapon Charm)
- Dead Reckoning (Skin/M134 Minigun)
Page 12
Page 12 offers a collection of cosmetic items themed around the character Valkyria. Players can unlock the following rewards on this page:
- Supersonic Service (Weapon Charm)
- Valkyria’s Helmet (Headwear)
- 75 Multibucks
- Valkyria Verified (Sticker)
- Walk of Fame (Spray)
- 75 Multibucks
- Valkyria’s Embrace (Emote)
- Valkyria (A complete outfit embodying Valkyria’s iconic style.)
Page 13
Page 13 serves as the first bonus page, offering exclusive cosmetic items to enhance your in-game experience. The rewards on this page include:
- Ampsplice Specs (Facewear)
- Ospuze Keyshot (Skin/CB-01 Repeater)
- Biobrace Hoodie (Upper Body)
- Ascension Protocol (Emote)
- Shockrift Crown (Facewear)
Page 14
In The Finals Season 6 Battle Pass, Page 14 is designated as Bonus Page 2 and offers the following rewards:
- Active Deterrent (Skin/ARN-220)
- Panicproof Pants (Lower Body)
- Crisis Resolution (Skin/V95)
- Alfa Acta Machline (M134 Minigun)
- Hildrswing (Outfit)
The Finals Season 6 is finally dropping on March 20, 2025! Get ready because the update is expected to go live at 6 AM Eastern Time. Stay tuned!