Upcoming Battlefield Game Set for Private Playtest Soon


Battlefield Game Set for Private Playtest

Looks like a private playtest for the next big Battlefield game is kicking off soon. This lines up with EA’s earlier plans for big community testing in early 2025. 

They haven’t shared much officially, but it seems like some lucky players and content creators will get early access. Let’s check out the full report for all the details

Details of the Upcoming Battlefield Game Playtest

EA is getting ready to start a private playtest for the new Battlefield game, possibly as soon as next week. However, EA and DICE haven’t officially announced it yet. 

EA has reportedly begun sending non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) to select Battlefield fans and content creators, signaling the initiation of playtests for the upcoming title.

A YouTuber named DANNYonPC even spotted another creator slip up by posting a video and mentioning the playtest on X (formerly Twitter). That post was quickly taken down, so it looks like they accidentally broke their NDA.

On top of that, Tom Henderson, who’s a known insider, said that this new Battlefield game is getting the biggest playtesting phase ever. EA is really trying to get feedback and avoid the mistakes from past games.

Since this is a private test, the general public won’t be able to take part.

What Else We Know About Next Battlefield Game?

The next Battlefield game, which might be called “Battlefield 2025,” is going back to modern warfare, kind of like Battlefield 3 and Battlefield 4. This is a big change after the last few games that took players to different time periods, like the past and the future.

Players have spoken up, and the game is bringing back the old class system instead of the new Specialist roles we saw in Battlefield 2042. Plus, instead of huge 128-player matches, there will be 64-player battles. It’s a little smaller, but it’ll still be chaotic.

Insiders are also hinting that the new Battlefield game will come with 45 weapons, which is twice the amount Battlefield 2042 had when it launched. The game might also include 10 multiplayer maps, just like some of the older Battlefield games, like Battlefield 1 and Battlefield 4.

A lot of different EA studios, like DICE, Criterion, Ripple Effect, and Motive Studio, are working together to make this the best Battlefield game ever.

Moreover, the private playtests for the new Battlefield game show that its development is moving forward well. These tests, said to be some of the biggest in the series, mean that the developers are confident in how the game works. 

Fans are now waiting for EA and DICE to officially announce the game. This will likely include a trailer and a release date. In the past, Battlefield games were revealed in late spring and released in October or November. If the same happens this time, players can expect a similar schedule.

All in all, the new Battlefield game is getting closer to release with its upcoming private playtest annd fans are super excited to hear more official news.

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Mohit is a freelance writer who loves writing games related blogs and news. When he's not writing, he's either reading fantasy books or playing the newest video games. He's a big fan of Mass Effect game series. Mohit really likes role-playing games, and sometimes he thinks of everyday conversations like a choose-your-own-adventure game.