An unannounced game, seemingly based on the Far Cry spin-off anime series Captain Laserhawk, has been rated in Europe. The game, titled Captain Laserhawk Niji Warrior, has been rated by PEGI, suggesting an official reveal could be imminent.
The game is likely based on Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix, a Netflix animated series that was itself inspired by Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon. The show follows a cyborg super-soldier branded an enemy of the state and struggling to find a cause worth fighting for in a dystopian society.
According to PEGI’s rating, the game sees players take part in a laser ‘deathmatch’ and compete to eliminate the most opponents. It also allows players to purchase in-game items, such as cosmetics.
Press reports earlier this year claimed that Ubisoft is currently developing Far Cry 7 and a standalone Far Cry multiplayer game. Far Cry 7 is reportedly being made with Ubisoft’s Snowdrop engine, rather than the Dunia engine used for recent series entries.
Both titles were said to be tentatively scheduled for release in the fall/autumn of 2025.
Last August, Ubisoft Montreal veteran Sandra Warren was promoted to vice president and executive producer of the Far Cry brand. Earlier that month, Ubisoft also promoted Far Cry 5 writer Drew Holmes to Far Cry IP director. Warren will have the most senior role of the pair in terms of production, while Holmes will oversee the creative roadmap for the series.
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