PlayStation 5 Slim Release Date: new details revealed in Microsoft vs FTC Battle

By- Alex

A court document from Microsoft's legal battle with the FTC reveals information about the potential release of a PlayStation 5 Slim in late 2023.

The document provides insights into internal discussions between Microsoft lawyers and sheds light on the gaming industry's future plans.

While rumors of a PlayStation 5 Slim have circulated before, this document adds weight to the speculation.

Caution is advised as official confirmation is still required to validate this information.

The court document also revealed Microsoft's plans to acquire SEGA and Bungie, adding to the intriguing details.

Microsoft lawyers mentioned various Xbox and Nintendo Switch console models and price points, including a reference to the PlayStation 5 Slim.

The document stated that the PlayStation 5 Slim is expected to be released later in the year at a reduced price point, alongside the existing Digital Edition.

Rumors suggest that the PlayStation 5 Slim may feature a removable disc drive and a new chassis, offering a more compact and cost-effective option.

September 2023 is speculated as a potential release month for the PlayStation 5 Slim, but official confirmation is necessary to verify these rumors.