Genshin Impact 3.1 leaks have revealed details on its characters, banners, events, weapons, release date, and much more.

HoYoverse dropped a bombshell with the release of the Genshin Impact 3.0 update. However, these guys are not ready to stop there. The region of Sumeru that was introduced to us in patch 3.0 will be expanded in the next patch. And already, leaks and rumors are streaming onto the Internet.
In this post, we will be discussing all the latest stuff the data mining community has to say about Genshin Impact 3.1.
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Release date of Genshin Impact 3.1
This item of information is official. September 28, 2022, which, coincidentally, is also the day of the game’s second anniversary has been announced as the official Genshin Impact 3.1 release date. Also, this time, the patch will run for only five weeks, a week less than usual to compensate for the delay caused during the 2.6 update.
With that length in mind, we can say that patch 3.1 will end on November 1, 2022.
Banners in Genshin Impact 3.1
You may have heard that patch 3.1 will extend the Sumeru region into a desert area. Well, there will be three new characters in this update, two of which will hail from this desert region, and the third, a dancer, will belong to Sumeru City.
Also, there is to be an event in Mondstadt in this patch. Given this, the following characters have reasonable chances of being featured in the reruns: Eula, Venti, and Albedo. Tighnari, the Dendro 5-star character just released, will be added to the Standard Banner in Genshin Impact 3.1.
As to the weapon banner, there will be two new 5-star weapons in the Epitome Invocations of Genshin Impact 3.1. These will be the Signature weapons of Cyno and Nilou. We will discuss this in detail below.
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New characters in Genshin Impact 3.1
As mentioned, there are to be three new characters in Genshin Impact 3.1. Two are 5-star characters and one is a 4-star support character. The weapons they carry have drawn inspiration from the Egyptian Civilization.
Here’s a general description of the three characters: Nilou, Cyno, and Candace.
Nilou is a 5-star character with Hydro powers. She girths a sword to fight her opponents with. She prides herself on her choice to not have taken up the path of Knowledge, as most Sumeru Citizens do, but to have pursued arts and dance. Coming to the abilities part, the Hyperbloom Dendro Reactions boost her kit. Also, her Elemental Skill changes according to the charging time.
Cyno is the second 5-star character that we mentioned. He is an Akademiya Scholar. He has the Polearm to use as a weapon and carries with himself an Electro Vision. Trivia: This guy was Collei’s guardian on her journey to Sumeru. Cyno is the second Electro male character. He enters an instance where his normal attack is enhanced.
Candace is the only new 4-star character being released in Genshin Impact 3.1. She has a Polearm for a weapon. Candace is the guardian of the Aaru Village. She is a descendant of an old civilization dwelling in the Sumeru Desert. She defends with a shield and takes offense with a spear.
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Map of Sumeru in Genshin Impact 3.1
The different regions of Sumeru get unlocked as you progress along the Dendro Archon Quests and keep up with the Journey of the Traveler.
First, you have access to the Rainforest and Sumeru City. As you make your way into patch 3.1, the region known as the desert of Sumeru will be unlocked. You will meet loads of interesting people in the Sumeru Desert. There will be the Eremites, unaligned mercenaries, plus the ruins of an old civilization with connections to the Khaenri’ah and the Abyss’ technology.
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New weapons in Genshin Impact 3.1
You will see new weapons galore in Genshin Impact 3.1. The weapon banners will have 5-star additions and also a free Polearm. The 5-star weapons are described below. Both of these weapons have drawn inspiration from the Egyptian Civilization.
- Key of Hierophany (5-star Sword; signature weapon of Nilou):
Base ATK: 542
HP: 66.2%
Passive (R5): 20% increase bonus for HP. Hit the opponent with an Elemental Skill and get the Grand Hymn effect for 20s. Plus, the equipping characters’ Elemental Mastery is increased by 0.12% of the Max HP.
- The Staff of the Scarlet Sands (5-star Polearm; signature weapon of Cyno)
Base ATK: 542
CRIT Rate: 44.1%
Passive (R5): A bonus ATK of 52% EM. You get 10s worth of action time with this weapon when you hit an enemy with an Elemental Skill. Max 3 stacks. The equipping character acquires 28% of the opponent’s EM as a bonus ATK.
With all this, there will be three new 4-star weapons in banner rotation having Elemental Mastery as a secondary stat. These weapons are listed below:
- Sword: Xiphos’ Moonlight
- Claymore: Mahara Aquamarine
- Catalyst: Wandering Evenstar
The main event in Genshin Impact 3.1 will fetch you a Polearm called Shifting Windblade. The entire focus of this weapon would be to increase the ATK. The secondary and passive will be oriented toward this goal as well.
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New enemies in Genshin Impact 3.1
It seems we are going ancient with Sumeru. Two new bosses, both based on old technologies, will be introduced in patch 3.1. These new Genshin Impact 3.1 enemies are described below:
- Blightdrake
This is an evolved form of the Ruin Drake Earthguards, which are the Abyss Automatons, in appearance much like gargoyles.
Ascension material: Perpetual Caliber (same material to level up Nilou)
- Control Matrix
The Autonomous Machines that build the Cities of the Civilization are buried under the weight of the sands of the Sumeru Desert.
Ascension material: Light Guiding Tetrahedron (same material to level up Candace)
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New events in Genshin Impact 3.1
Here are the new Genshin Impact 3.1 events:
- Shadow of the Ancients rerun: You will have to gather components for the Pursina Spike and clean the Ley-Lines. It’s an exploration event.
- Weinlesefezt: This is the main event. It has the Festive Fever mechanic which you can exchange for grand rewards. It is also the Anniversary celebration event.
- Hyakunin Ikki rerun: You will have to fight mobs using Trial Characters. It’s a dungeon-type combat challenge.
And that is all that you will get to see in Genshin Impact 3.1. It’s a lot, isn’t it?
We will update you with the new information as soon as it comes out, so keep following Gamevro.