League of Legends 13.16 patch notes sneak peek has been shared by the developers and by the looks of it, it seems like a lot of new changes especially to the in-game items are planned by Riot Games.

Despite League of Legends’ current Patch 13.15 being live for almost a week, Riot Games is already shedding light on the content of League of Legends 13.16 Patch, which is now available on the PBE (Public Beta Environment).
The League of Legends 13.16 patch carries a range of intriguing adjustments, including a Milio buff, enhancements to Wukong in the top lane, and another round of nerfs for Rek’Sai, as mentioned by Riot developer Riot Proxzon. However, the headline news is the return of the Immortal Journey skin line, accompanied by the introduction of seven new skins.
So, let’s get into the details of new changes that will be introduced to us with League of Legends 13.16 patch notes.
League of Legends 13.16 Patch Notes
Taking a closer look at League of Legends 13.16 Patch, it’s evident that it’s bringing some substantial alterations to the game. Notably, Riot is finally addressing the issue of the Duskblade of Drakthrr, an item that has held remarkable strength for quite some time. Consequently, Riot is not only reining in the item’s power but also bolstering the weaker Assassin items, including Axiom Arc, Serpents Fang, Prowler’s Claw, and Umbral Glaive. Furthermore, the patch introduces buffs to Assassin items.
The League of Legends 13.16 patch boasts some fairly impactful changes, notably the buffs to Enchanter and Lethality items. The welcome alterations to Wukong also reflect Riot’s efforts to rejuvenate champions who had previously been marginalized in the meta due to over-nerfs.
Moving on, Ap mid-laners such as Sylas, Akali, and Ekko are receiving well-deserved buffs with the League of Legends 13.16 patch. Enchanter supports like Milio, Karma, and Lulu are also in line for buffs. Additionally, underperforming Marksmen like Caitlyn and Lucian are set to receive improvements. Conversely, Rek’Sai, Naafiri, Tristana, and Shyvana are the target for nerfs in the League of Legends 13.16 patch.
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League of Legends 13.16 Patch – Champion Buffs and Nerfs
LoL 13.16 Champion Buffs
On the champion front, buffs are aplenty with a considerable ten champions receiving enhancements. This largely stems from addressing previous over-nerfs. Among the champions receiving LoL 13.16 buffs are Akali, Brand, Caitlyn, Ekko, Karma, Lucian, Lulu, Milio, Sylas, and Wukong.
- Akali
- Q Energy Cost: 130/115/100/85/70 >>> 110/100/90/80/70
- W Damage: 40/65/90/115 / 140 (+ 65% AD) (+ 60% AP) >>> 45 / 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 (+ 65% AD) (+ 60% AP)
- Brand
- P Mana Restore: 20-40 >>> 30-50
- Q AP Ratio: 55% >>> 65%
- E AP Ratio: 45% >>> 50%
- Caitlyn
- Attacks per Headshot: 6 >>> 5
- Ekko
- Q Outgoing Damage: 60/75/90/105/120 (+ 30% AP) >>> 70/85 / 100 / 115 / 130 (+ 30% AP)
- Q Slow: 32/39/46/53 / 60% >>> 40 / 45 / 50/55/60%
- W Shield: 70-150 >>> 100-180
- Karma
- Q Base Damage: 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 (+40% AP) >>> 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 (+ 50% AP)
- Mantra Q Detonation Damage: 35 / 140 / 245/350 (+ 60% AP) >>> 35 / 140 / 245 / 350 (+ *70%* AP)
- R Cooldown: 40/38/36 / 34 >>> 40 / 37 / 34/31
- Lucian
- Vigilance Flat Physical Damage: 10 >>> 15
- Lulu
- Health per Level: 88 >>> 92
- Q Damage: 70/105 / 140 / 175 / 210 (+ 40% AP) >>> 70/105/140/175/ 210 (+ 50% AP)
- E Damage: 80/120/160/200/240 (+ 40% AP) >>> 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 (+ 50% AP)
- Milio
- Q Base Damage: 90/135/180/225/270 (+ 90% AP) >>> 80/140/200/260/320 (+ 120% AP)
- E Base Shields: 60/80/100/120/140 (+ 25% AP) >>> 60/85/110/135/160 (+ 30% AP)
- Sylas
- Base Mana: 310 >>> 400
- Wukong
- Mana Regen Growth: 0.65 >>> 0.8
- Q Mana Cost: 40 >>> 20
- W Mana Cost: 80-40 >>> 60-40
LoL 13.16 Champion Nerfs
LoL 13.16 Champion Nerfs, on the other hand, is a tad more restrained with only five champions undergoing adjustments. Rek’Sai and Naafiri bear the brunt of these changes, while Shyvana, Tristana, and Shaco Support also experience a reduction in power.
- Naafiri
- Armor: 32 >>> 30
- Attack Damage: 57 >>> 55
- Base Attack Speed: .688 >>> .663
- Rek’Sai
- Unburrowed Q Damage: 21/27/33/39/45 + 50 % Bonus AD >>> 34/38/42/46/50% TOTAL AD (This is a nerf until level 13)
- Shaco
- Base Mana Regen: 7.15 >>> 6
- W Mana Cost: 50/55/60/65/70 >>> 70 at all ranks
- Shyvana
- W Damage per Second: 20/32/45/57/70 + 30% Bonus AD >>> 20/30/40/50/60 + 20% Bonus AD
- W Damage per Hit: 5/8/11.25/14.25/17.5 +7.5% Bonus AD >>> 5/7/9/11/13 + 5% Bonus AD
- Tristana
- Health: 670 >>> 640
- Magic Resist: 30 >>> 28
- Armor: 26 + 4.2 >>> 30 +4.5
CHECK OUT: League of Legends Naafiri Build: new tips, roles, abilities, and executing gameplay
League of Legends 13.16 Patch – Item and System Changes
When it comes to items, four of them are on the receiving end of buffs, addressing the underperformance of Assassin items. This recalibration partly results from the Duskblade of Draktharr nerf and the prevailing lack of impactful Lethality items. Tweaks to these items should have a significant impact. This item has found favor among numerous bruisers, and Riot is intervening to restore balance.
The items receiving buffs are Axiom Arc, Prowler’s Claw, Serpent’s Fang, and Umbral Glaive.
Item Nerfs
- Duskblade of Draktharr
- Missing Health Damage: 20% >>> 18%
- Cooldown: 10s >>> 30s
Item Buffs
- Axiom Arc
- Cooldown Refund: 5+40% Lethality >>> 10% +40% Lethality
- Prowler’s Claw
- Cooldown: 10s >>> 5s
- Damage: 85/65 (+45/30% bonus AD) >>> 85/65 (55/35% bonus AD)
- Serpent’s Fang
- Lethality: 12 >>> 15
- Umbral Glaive
- Lethality: 10 >>> 13
CHECK OUT: League of Legends 13.15 patch notes
League of Legends 13.16 Patch – Skins
LoL 13.16 patch will introduce the new phase of Immortal Journey 2023 skins, featuring champions such as Soraka, Shyvana, Zed, Zeri, Kayle, and Sona. Additionally, a Prestige Immortal Journey 2023 Sona skin will be available for players to unlock.
The following is the list of all the new skins coming in League of Legends 13.16 Patch:
- Immortal Journey Soraka (Legendary)
- Immortal Journey Kayle
- Immortal Journey Shyvana
- Immortal Journey Zed
- Immortal Journey Zeri
- Immortal Journey Sona
- Prestige Immortal Journey Sona

League of Legends 13.16 Patch is expected to be released on Wednesday, August 16, 2023. Players can prepare for the update and anticipate the server maintenance times:
- NA: 3:00 AM PT
- EUW: 5:00 UK time
- EUNE: 3:00 CET
In conclusion, as the League of Legends community eagerly awaits Patch 13.16, the changes and nerfs are sure to bring excitement and challenges to the game. Players will have to adapt to the altered gameplay dynamics and explore the potential of newly buffed champions.
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