Get ready for the latest update with the League of Legends 13.18 patch that is set to bring new champion buffs and nerfs, Bard adjustments, Statikk Shiv and Stormrazor updates, and a lot more.

The highly anticipated League of Legends World Championship is on the horizon, set to commence on October 2nd. Riot Games is gearing up for this pinnacle event of the year, fine-tuning gameplay with the upcoming League of Legends 13.18 Patch. Amidst the array of nerfs and buffs, the spotlight is particularly on Bard, the support champion, who’s in for a substantial round of adjustments.
League of Legends 13.18 Patch Notes
On September 7, League’s lead designer, Matt “Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison, unveiled the comprehensive list of changes slated for release in the League of Legends 13.18 patch. This update brings significant buffs to champions like Irelia, Jungle Gwen, Kennen, Senna, Thresh, and even the often-overlooked AD carry item, Stormrazor. This paints an exciting picture for the Worlds 2023 meta, promising a dynamic and captivating competitive scene.
Riot Games has honed in on several champions for buffs and nerfs in the upcoming League of Legends 13.18 patch. Specifically, three nerfs are aimed at solo queue powerhouses: Jarvan IV, Tryndamere, and Kayn. Riot is also working to strike a balance in the AD carry meta, focusing their attention on Stormrazor and the wave-clearing powerhouse, Statikk Shiv.
Talking about the LoL 13.18 patch, Phroxzon gave detailed content, you can check that here. Below we have detailed all the changes coming with the LoL 13.18 patch.
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League of Legends 13.18 Patch – Champion Buffs and Nerfs
LoL 13.18 Champion Buffs
- R CD: 140-100 >>> 125-85
- Health Growth: 109 >>> 115
- Monster Cap: 6 + 10% AP >>> 10 +15% AP
- E Energy Cost: 100-80 >>> 80
- R CD: 120 >>> 120-80
- Critical Strike Damage: 91.5% >>> 100%
- W AoE hits now count towards P proc
- W Shield: 50-130 +1.5 per Soul >>> 50-130 +2.0 per Soul
LoL 13.18 Champion Nerfs
Jarvan IV
- Passive % Health Damage: 8% >>> 6%
Kayn (Red/Darkin)
- Passive Healing: 20-30% >>> 25% R AD Ratio: 13% per 100 AD >>> 10% per 100 AD
- E Move Speed: 15-25% >>> 12-20% (Doubled when running toward an enemy or your target)
- Base AD: 68 >>> 66
- Health per Level: 115 >>> 108
- Base Health: 660 >>> 630
- Health Growth: 102 >>> 107
- E CD: 11-9 >>> 13-9
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League of Legends 13.18 Patch – Champion Adjustments
- P Out of Combat Move Speed Max Stacks: 5 >> 10
- Stack Duration: 7 >> 20
- W now uses ammo (max 2)
- W CD/Ammo Charge Time: 14 >> 18
- W Shrine Charge Time: 10 >> 5
- W Move Speed: 30% decaying over 1.5s >> 20%-30% +0.05% AP decaying over 1.5s
League of Legends 13.18 Patch – Item and System Changes
LoL 13.18 System buffs
- Attack Damage: 50 >>> 55
LoL 13.18 System Nerfs
- Spear of Shojin
LoL 13.18 System Adjustments
Crown of the Shattered Queen
- Ability Power: 70 >>> 85
- Safeguard: 75% for 1.5 seconds >>> 40% for 2.5 seconds
- Removed: Poise (10-40 AP during Safeguard)
Statikk Shiv
- Attack Damage: 60 >>> 55
- Attack Damage: 45 >>> 50
- Minion Energize: 250-350 >>> 200

CHECK OUT: League of Legends 13.17 patch notes
New Champion: Briar
Along with the long list of champion and system changes, a new champion, Briar, is set to make her debut in the LoL 13.18 patch. Here’s a brief overview of her abilities:
- Passive – Crimson Curse: Briar gains increased Healing based on her missing health, and her attacks and abilities apply a bleed effect.
- Q – Head Rush: Briar leaps to a target, Stunning them and dealing physical damage.
- W – Blood Frenzy/Snack Attack: Briar enters a Blood Frenzy, gaining Attack Speed and Move Speed, with empowered attacks causing additional damage and healing.
- E – Chilling Scream: Briar charges up, gaining damage reduction and health restoration. When released, it deals damage and applies a Slow or Stun effect.
- R – Certain Death: Briar marks a champion as her prey, flying to their location, dealing area damage, causing nearby enemies to flee, and entering an empowered state.

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League of Legends 13.18 Skins and Cosmetics
In the LoL 13.18 patch, a new skin collection adds a variety of fresh aesthetics as well as bright, bold, and splashy neon colors to the game. This release features Brand, Rengar, Neeko, Zyra, and Dr. Mundo in particular.
This update also includes Crystalis Motus Taliyah, a new essence skin that gives the Stoneweaver an emerald appearance.
The new Street Demon Skins are:
- Street Demons Brand
- Street Demons Briar
- Street Demons Dr. Mundo
- Street Demons Neeko
- Street Demons Rengar
- Crystalis Motus Taliyah
- Street Demons Zyra
League of Legends 13.18 Patch Release Date
Expect to see the League of Legends 13.18 patch in action next week, hitting the Rift on September 13, 2023. This update will play a significant role in balancing the game as we move towards Worlds 2023.
- NA: 3:00 AM PT
- EUW: 5:00 AM UK time
- EUNE: 3:00 AM CET
This update will play a pivotal role in shaping the game’s balance as we approach Worlds 2023. Players can expect a refreshed gameplay experience with the altered dynamics and enhanced champions.
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