LEGO Star Wars Skywalker Saga Stay On Target Walkthrough: challenges, minikits, free studs, more

LEGO Star Wars Skywalker Saga Stay On Target walkthrough is essential to complete your mission with a little ease.

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LEGO Star Wars is the video game that is booming right now around the world. Released just this month and developed by Traveller’s Tales, and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, walkthroughs have already started appearing all over the internet.

And this post is also one of them, dealing with the LEGO Star Wars Skywalker Saga Stay On Target mission.

To give non-gamers a brief introduction to this mission, it is the tenth and last story mission in LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga’s Episode IV: A New Hope. You’ll find a complete walkthrough going over each of the three Level challenges, collecting the five Minikits, and getting the True Jedi Rank in this LEGO Star Wars Skywalker Saga Stay On Target story mission.

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Skywalker Saga Stay On Target – Objectives

You will have to finish the given list of objectives if you want to 100% of the Boarding Party Mission:

  • Level Challenges:
    1. Challenge 1: Hope That’s Insured – Annihilating 10 turrets while you are on the trench run.
    2. Challenge 2: Clever Flying – Doing a “loop maneuver” and escaping Dark Vader’s targeting systems thrice.
    3. Challenge 3: That’s Not Going to Buff Out… – Damage Darth Vader’s ship severely.
  • Collect all of the 5 Minikits
  • Earn the True Jedi Rank by collecting 30,000 Studs

You can go along with us in this Skywalker Saga Stay On Target walkthrough to be able to accomplish each of these objectives.

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Skywalker Saga Stay On Target Story Mission Walkthrough

Opening Sequence

This is where you prime yourself up to bring down the Death Star. It is a flying mission and you’ll be flying an X Wing with your character being Luke Skywalker. There is no need to worry about not being able to acquire anything during the course of this mission as your party members won’t be changing.

But if you still feel like you’ve not given enough attention to aspects, you can always replay the Skywalker Saga Stay On Target mission.

Skywalker Saga Stay On Target Minikits

1/5 Skywalker Saga Stay On Target Minikit

This is one that you could definitely end up missing if you don’t pay proper attention. Just before the first set of turrets at the beginning of the mission, you’ll see a really small TIE Fighter fly into the screen from the right. Just focus some fire on that and destroy it before it can get away.

Be fast in dealing with it, because if not, then it’ll soon fly away and you won’t be able to acquire this particular Skywalker Saga Stay On Target Minikit.

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2/5 Skywalker Saga Stay On Target Minikit

This is another one you are likely to miss if you are not looking out for it. After you have dealt with the first set of turrets at the start of the Skywalker Saga Stay On Target mission, keep your eyes peeled for a probe drone that’ll come flying out the right side of your screen.

Again, concentrate your fire on that drone and destroy it to gain your second Minikit. Same caveat as before: Don’t take a lot of time as it’ll disappear fast.

3/5 Skywalker Saga Stay On Target Minikit

After the trench, you’ll find yourself in an open area where you can fire and fly around as you want. Your objective is to gather Proton Torpedoes and bring down the thermal exhaust ports. But just ignore this objective completely for the time being and gather the rest of the collectible sand and complete the two remaining challenges.

Destroy four different satellites in this area to get the third Skywalker Saga Stay On Target Minikit. If you are at the entrance, these are situated at the right of the entrance, right and left side wall, and left of the exit. Destroy each of them.

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4/5 Skywalker Saga Stay On Target Minikit

Shoot a bright panel to the left of the entrance for the fourth Minikit.

5/5 Skywalker Saga Stay On Target Minikit

This one is in a box and it floats around on the right side of the open area. Find and shoot it for the fifth and final Minikit.

Skywalker Saga Stay On Target Challenges

Challenge 1: Hope That’s Insured

As you probably already know, you’ll be flying through a trench and your basic aim is to destroy the TIE fighters that come at you. But those won’t be the only line of defense you will have to combat. There are also the turrets aiming at you. Most of the turrets are at the bottom of the trench. But some will be on the side walls as well.

To get through this and earn Hope That’s Insured, you need to destroy 10 turrets during your trench run. It won’t be that hard if you are not focusing simply on turrets but also equally on the TIE fighters. Just keep firing continuously and the auto-targeting feature will take care of the rest.

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Challenge 2: Clever Flying

Darth Vader will be in the open area with you, promptly firing at you. Do a loop maneuver whenever a pop-up shows that he is firing at you with his cannons. Do this thrice and you complete this challenge.

Challenge 3: That’s Not Going to Buff Out

To kill this challenge, you’ll have to do severe damage to Dark Vader’s ship. The hard part is not just doing the actual damage. It is also finding Vader’s ship amongst the many TIE fighters, even though his ship does look slightly different. Put in a couple of Proton Torpedoes as these also affect him.

True Jedi Rank in Skywalker Saga Stay On Target

You acquire studs mainly from destroying ships and turrets. You’ll earn True Jedi Rank early enough in the mission if you beat the majority of enemies on screen. If you don’t earn it, no need to worry as in the next section you can grab lots of studs before getting to the end of this Skywalker Saga Stay On Target mission.

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Destroy Death Star in Skywalker Saga Stay On Target mission

Now that everything else is done, focus on destroying the Death Star. Gather the purple Proton

Torpedoes and fire at the four thermal exhaust ports that you’ll see on the screen. The normal laser probably won’t work but the Torpedoes will do the job. Destroy all the exhaust ports and you will be shown a cutscene.

Just fly forward to not get hit by enemy fire. You’ll have to fire one last Proton Torpedo and that will destroy the Death Star and complete Episode IV.

We will update you with the new information, so keep following Gamevro.

Aamir has a great deal of experience writing about the video game industry. He has devoted many hours to discovering various game worlds, perfecting gaming mechanics, and researching current market trends because of his unrelenting passion for video games. Aamir enjoys exploring the world of tabletop gaming, going to gaming conventions, and interacting with the gaming community through streaming and content creation when he's not playing video games.