Elden Ring Malenia: Ways to defeat the demigod boss


Elden Ring Malenia is another boss that players will have to defeat in order to progress through the game and successfully get the Hand of Malenia weapon.

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Malenia is one of the optional bosses in Elden Ring, and one of the hard to beat too, as can be expected from optional bosses. But Malenia is extra special as she is a shardholder as well as a demigod. She is the daughter of Marika and Radagon and has never been beaten in combat. This is what makes Elden Ring Malenia different from other bosses in the game.

But there’s a catch. Before you get to actually fight, you have to first find her, and this task isn’t exactly easy. And then the task of beating her is where it gets really tough, as Elden Ring Malenia happens to be one of the most frustratingly difficult to defeat in perhaps all of the Soul series.

This post will try to make killing Malenia a little easier and will help to know the ways to defeat Elden Ring Malenia.

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Elden Ring Malenia Location

Elden Ring Malenia’s boos area is situated at the bottom of the stairs from the Haligtree Roots Site of Grace. The arena is near the Consecrated Snowfield and can be accessed by the Lift of Rold when you have both the halves of the Haligtree Secret Medallion. For these, you must’ve beaten Commander Niallat Castle Sol.

Elden Ring Malenia herself is present at the bottom of Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree. And Malenia will prove to be an even greater threat than Niall.

First, you enter the Haligtree. Then, you go down and past the Loretta boss and enter the city of Elphael. This place is also where the conclusion of the Millicent quest comes to. Then make your way through the roots, past the rooftops, and arrive at the chapel. Here, take the elevator and go down till you come face-to-face with the hardest boss in Elden Ring, Malenia.

Instructions on how to defeat Elden Ring Malenia

Elden Ring Malenia may have never lost in a fight, but there’s a first time for everything. But be warned. She will test even the most experienced Souls player, a lot like the Starscourge Radahn and Fire Giant.

Advice number one would be to always measure your attacks carefully. Never throw more offensive moves than necessary and always be on the defensive. If you are being too fast with your attacks, she’ll sneak up on you when you least expect it. Or worse yet, deal a strike that puts you to sleep permanently.

Do not go near her if your stamina is low. Move backward, away from her. Take a breath. Refill your stamina, and then go back in. If you are lucky enough to have some talismans, take them out. You increase your chances of success with them.

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Elden Ring Malenia – Melee Attack Strategy

Always use a shield in combat with Elden Ring Malenia. Her attacks, though heavily damaging if they find their mark, are light and definitely blockable. One weakness of Malenia’s is that she does not have much bearing, so she is penetrable by two-handed attacks.

Of course, you should use any strategy you are comfortable with. The method discussed here is a reliable one and so has been included.

Blocking and dodging her moves would provide the player with more chances of staggering her and getting into her guard and striking her critical points. In the long run, dodging her is more reliable than taking the fight to her.

Elden Ring Malenia has the power to sap the strength of whoever her strike hits, plus your Spirit Summons. Being aware of this is key to turning the tide in your favor in the fight. Again, the best way to avoid this is to simply dodge.

Elden Ring Malenia’s Weaknesses

The major Elden Ring Malenia weakness is Bleed damage. Blood weapons, like Katanas, will then hurt her the most. But if your build is Strength, then you’d probably infuse your weapons with Bleed damage. And consider getting the Dung Eater’s quest for his sword.

On the other hand, if you are a dexterity build, then your choice should be River’s of Blood by defeating Okina in the Church of Repose.

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Elden Ring Malenia – Ranged and Magic Strategy

If your build is ranged/magic, then for you, the course of action is simple. Hit and avoid getting hit. Just be careful about Malenia’s quick speed and fast coverage of ground in Elden Ring. You’ll be wise to take the advice already given with regards to stamina.

The tactic should be to feint an Elden Ring Malenia weakness, let her move in, then you run like hell. And don’t start attacking her too much here too. For some backup, get some cures in your pouch in case Malenia decides to use the Scarlet Rot, which she almost certainly will.

Phase 2 of Elden Ring Malenia

Once her health gets down to zero for the first time, she’ll again get a full health flask. And this time around, she’ll be like an angry bull. She’ll definitely use Scarlet Rot the moment the fight starts. Run backward quickly when this happens because this can kill you instantly if you aren’t ready.

Most of Elden Ring Malenia’s attacks remain the same as before, with the difference that more strikes now are infused with Scarlet Rot because of all the flowers appearing around her. It should be pretty clear that you’ll need to be more alert than ever in this round because she’s going to bring it all.

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Rewards for defeating Elden Ring Malenia

When she does get killed, you can breathe a sigh of relief. She is most probably the hardest boss to kill in all the Souls games ever. Don’t hesitate to take other players’ help if you are not able to defeat Malenia single-handedly.

Moreover, when she does get defeated, players will be able to get their hands on Malenia’s katana – Hand of Malenia at the Roundtable Hold.

You’ll probably be learning some things about her the first few times that you lose. So don’t get disheartened. We get there.

We will update you with the new information as soon as it comes out, so keep following Gamevro.

Alex is an expert game writer, with more than 5 years of expertise in the field. He, who has been a lifelong gamer, combined his writing prowess with their in-depth understanding of the gaming industry to convert their passion into a business. His extensive experience includes esports, strategy, action-adventure, and RPGs among other gaming genres.