LoL 13.6 patch notes: champion and system buffs, nerfs, new upgrades, and more


LoL 13.6 patch notes have been revealed by the developers, and the new changes coming in the next LoL patch will certainly excite the players a lot.

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LoL 13.6 patch notes revealed by developers

League of Legends is without a doubt one of the most popular games among gamers, and players all around the world eagerly await any new update that is delivered within a specific time frame.

Developers normally introduce new features in the game with each new patch, and Riot Games has had an incredible run of skins introduced in League of Legends over the last few years.

Some fan-favorite skins are on the way, and a few have already been revealed, signaling that 2023 will be a terrific year for League players. Not only skins, but any new patch also introduces lots of significant changes to the Legends’ kit and the gameplay system.

And now one such new patch, LoL 13.6 Patch is on its way. Today, the developers at Riot Games gave a detailed breakdown of all the changes coming with LoL Patch 13.6.

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LoL 13.6 Patch Notes

Despite the fact that only eight champions in League of Legends Patch 13.6 are expected to receive direct buffs and nerfs, there may still be potential for the meta to shift, especially given how aggressively Riot is focusing on the bot lane.

After acknowledging that the ADC class is currently too powerful, Riot plans to take action against them in LoL Patch 13.6. Along with ADCs, Yuumi and Aurelion Sol are once more up for elimination and will each also get more nerfs because their reworks provided them with excessive power.

Talking about the new changes coming with LoL 13.6 Patch, the developer said, “Experimented last week with no long preview. Early feedback on changes in a condensed location was still helpful for us, so we back. Resists on Yuumi R are removed. We want to give windows for the host to be bursted, but keep Yuumi’s fantasy of getting all waves off to keep the host alive.”

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LoL 13.6 Patch – Champion Buffs and Nerfs

LoL Patch 13.6 Champion buffs

Ashe has been selected 16 times as an AD carry this season, compared to 113 times as support in major area League games. As a result, Riot would be strengthening Ashe for the AD carry role in the LoL 13.6 patch, according to lead balance designer, Matt Leung-Harrison, because these buffs might balance those numbers.

Galio and Talon are also scheduled to get direct buffs, and Vayne is on the list. Although further details can be expected in the upcoming days when Riot provides a detailed version of the LoL 13.6 patch preview, it is yet unknown how these champions will be boosted.

The champions receiving LoL Patch 13.6 buffs are:

  • Vayne
  1. Passive Movement Speed increased: 30 ⇒ 45
  2. Q: Tumble
    • AD Ratio increased: 60-80% ⇒ 75-115%
    • Buff duration decreased: 7s ⇒ 3s
  3. W % HP damage adjusted: 4-12% ⇒ 6-10%
  • Galio
  1. W Damage Reduction increased: 20-40% (+8% MR) ⇒ 25-45% (+12% MR)
  2. E Cooldown reduced: 12-8 ⇒ 11-7
  • Talon
  1. Base Mana increased: 377 ⇒ 400
  2. Passive Damage increased: 75 – 255 ⇒ 80 – 280
  3. W Mana cost reduced: 55/ 60/ 65/ 70/ 75 ⇒ 50/ 55/ 60/ 65/ 70
  4. R Damage increased: 90/ 135/ 180 ⇒ 90/ 145/ 200
  • Ashe (ADC)
  1. Passive damage increased: 110% + Crit Chance ⇒ 115% + Crit Chance

LoL Patch 13.6 Champion nerfs

Phroxzon stated the champions receiving nerfs in the forthcoming LoL 13.6 patch include Aurelion Sol, Veigar, Zeri, and new-look Yuumi in a tweet on March 13.

Veigar being on the nerf list is unexpected considering that his kits were only recently altered. Moreover, Aurelion Sol has dominated the Rift, and players first thought his redesign was overpowered. He is thus getting some nerfs once more with the LoL 13.6 patch.

The champions receiving LoL Patch 13.6 nerfs are:

  • Yuumi
  1. Q: Prowling Projectile
    • Cooldown adjusted: 7.5 – 6.25 ⇒ 6.5
    • Mana cost increased: 50 – 75 ⇒ 50 – 100
    • Range/ speed reduced
  2. R Bonus resistances removed: 20 – 60 resists ⇒ 0
  • Aurelion Sol
  1. E Cooldown flattened: 12-10 ⇒ 12
  2. R: Falling Star/ The Skies Descend
    • Stardust required for The Skies Descend increased: 75 ⇒ 100
    • Falling Star Stun duration reduced: 1.25 ⇒ 1
    • Falling Star Cast range reduced: 1250 ⇒ 1100
    • The Skies Descend knockup duration reduced: 1.25 ⇒ 1
    • The Skies Descend cast range reduced: 1250 ⇒ 1100
  • Veigar
  1. Base Stats
    • Base HP reduced: 575 ⇒ 550
    • Base armor reduced: 21 ⇒ 18
  2. W Damage reduced: 100-300 ⇒ 85-305

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LoL 13.6 Patch – System and Item Changes

Despite the fact that four champions are listed to suffer nerfs with the LoL 13.6 patch, many other champions should also see indirect power boosts as a result of a buff to Nashor’s Tooth, the only item that is currently scheduled to get buffs this LoL 13.6 patch.

Also, early Dragon power, a number of items including Bloodthirster and Navori Quickblades, as well as the runes Lethal Tempo and Legend: Bloodline will all receive nerfs in LoL 13.6 Patch in addition to Champion nerfs.

LoL Patch 13.6 System Buffs

  • Nashor’s Tooth
  1. Ability Haste added: 0 ⇒ 15
  2. Cost increased: 3000 ⇒ 3200
  3. Build path adjusted

LoL Patch 13.6 System Nerfs

  • Dragon
  1. Dragon Kill Buffs reduced ~10-15%
  • Bloodthirster
  1. Shield reduced: 180-450 (level 9-18) ⇒ 100-400 (level 8-18)
  • Navori Quickblades
  1. Cooldown refund: 15% ⇒ 12%
  • Lethal Tempo
  1. Ranged attack speed reduced: 30-54% (maxes at level 12) ⇒ 24-54% (maxes at level 18)
  • Legend: Bloodline
  1. Maximum life steal: 6% ⇒ 5.25%
  2. Maximum HP gained reduced: 100 ⇒ 85

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Although these modifications seem advantageous on paper, it will be interesting to see how they impact the entire experience once LoL 13.6 patch notes are released.

Well, this is all that has officially been revealed thus far about the LoL 13.6 Patch Notes.

We will update you with the new information, so keep following Gamevro.

Alex is an expert game writer, with more than 5 years of expertise in the field. He, who has been a lifelong gamer, combined his writing prowess with their in-depth understanding of the gaming industry to convert their passion into a business. His extensive experience includes esports, strategy, action-adventure, and RPGs among other gaming genres.


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