Apex Legends Veiled Collection event: release date, skins, weapons, Season 16 leaks


Apex Legends Veiled event details have been revealed via new leaks, and players can anticipate several interesting new skins.

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Apex Legends Veiled Collection event skins and release date leaked

Apex Legends, the free-to-play battle royale-hero shooter game, developed by Respawn Entertainment and published by Electronic Arts, has risen to fame and popularity pretty fast since its release back in 2019. It has come to be one of the best titles in its category and is a must-play for every fan of video games.

A really important factor in the success of this game is that the developers are constantly working on it, always keeping it fresh and exciting with new content, be it events, updates, or anything else of that sort.

The roadmap of Apex Legends Season 16 previously stated that there would be 4 Collection Events this season. The first two, Imperial Guard and 4-Year Anniversary events are already over. Sun Squad, the third Collection Event, is already active. Additionally, information about Season 16’s last Collection Event has already surfaced.

Check out the leaked details on Apex Legends Veiled collection event including its skins, release date, price, and more below.

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Apex Legends Veiled collection event

The Apex Legends Veiled collection event is where new items like skins for various Legends will get released. Ahead of its release, some leaks have revealed to us what will await us in this event.

As mentioned, the developers are always looking for ways to keep this live service title from becoming stagnant. Events such as these add spice to the game for the fans by introducing heirlooms and new cosmetic items to the title.

Now among all the events that take place in Apex Legends, these events, called collection events, usually sport exclusive skins for some characters. And from what we can conclude from the leaks is that the Veiled collection event is going to include Caustic’s Prestige skin called “Apex Contagion” and a new sort of TDM.

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Apex Legends Veiled – Deadeye TDM

The Veiled Collection Event will debut a brand-new variety of TDM. There isn’t a lot of information available regarding the LTM, but based on the description, it appears that no one will be wearing helmets or shields. Also, the game will predetermine the load-outs and distribute them randomly.

Apex Legends Veiled Event Store

As is the case with every event in Apex Legends, the Veiled Collection Event will have Apex packs put up at the store. And similar to what we do in the rest of the events, you will have to pay about 400 Apex coins for each one of the loot boxes.

Now, with each pack, you will get at least one Legendary, Rare, or Epic item. And in addition to this, the store will also have some bundles which can be called discount packs to save you some money.

Don’t worry if you don’t want to spend any money on skins from the Collection Event. The gamers will receive a lot of free gifts during the Veiled Event. Follow your progress over the course of the Veiled Collection Event to gain points and receive these free goodies.

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Apex Legends Veiled Event Store Reward Tracker

Up to 1,600 points can be earned each day, and there are new challenges every day. You can finish numerous tasks at the same time because all of these challenges stack with your Battle Pass. By completing the Free reward tracker, you can obtain a free Epic Charm, Holospray, Mozambique, and Newcastle skin.

Apex Legends Veiled Event Skins

This Apex Veiled collection event will feature skins of various characters, which include:

  • Solar Static Wattson Legendary Skin
  • Soiree Away Rampart Legendary Skin
  • Court Executioner Gibraltar Legendary Skin
  • Fiendish Filigree Octane Legendary Skin
apex legends season 16 veiled event, apex legends veiled collection event, apex legends veiled event skins, apex veiled collection event skins
Apex Legends Veiled Event Legends Epic Skins
  • Deco Droid Pathfinder Epic Skin
  • First Class Valkyrie Epic Skin
  • Unseen Void Wraith Epic Skin
  • Haute Disguise Loba Epic Skin
apex legends season 16 veiled event, apex legends veiled collection event, apex legends veiled event skins, apex veiled collection event skins
Apex Legends Veiled Event Legendary Skins

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Apex Legends will feature the following weapon skins in the Apex Veiled event:

  • Solar Flare R-99 Legendary Skin
  • Belle of the Ball Spitfire Legendary Skin
  • Platinum Aegis Sentinel Legendary Skin
  • Devilish Artistry C.A.R Legendary Skin

“Apex Contagion” Caustic Prestige Skin in Veiled event

Instead of the first three Collection events, Respawn is bringing the Caustic Mythic Skin to the Apex Veiled event. This skin may be obtained by collecting all of the items from the event.

Players can see Caustic in her prestige skin donning a green mecha suit that transforms into full-fledged armor with a helmet. Unlike the other Legends, Caustic has an evil appearance that fits his character.

Apex Legends Veiled Event skin price

In the Apex Legends Veiled collection event, each event pack will be priced at around 400 Apex coins. Based on the earlier events, we can calculate that this will equal about $4 of real-world money.

There will be 4 Legendary Legend skins, 4 Legendary weapon skins, 4 Epic Legend skins, 4 Epic Emotes, 4 Epic Legend skins, and 4 Epic Banner Frames, much like every other Collection Event. The Caustic Prestige Skin “Apex Contagion” will be yours once you have acquired all 24 items from the Collection Event.

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Apex Legends Veiled Event banner frames

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Apex Legends Veiled Collection Event release date

As of now, the official Apex Legends Veiled collection event release date has not been announced. The data miners have determined that April 25, 2023, will be the Veiled Collection Event release date.

And that is all that we know at the moment about the upcoming Apex Legends Veiled collection event. Be sure to tune in when it releases because this one is going to be super creative and interesting.

We will update you with the new information, so keep following Gamevro.

Tripty is a skilled gaming industry writer that enjoys playing video games a lot. She, who has a passion for all things video game-related, has devoted countless hours to exploring various game worlds, evaluating gameplay, and exchanging tips with other players. Tripty enjoys going on outdoor experiences, learning about new music, and adding to their ever-expanding gaming library when they are not completely engrossed in the digital world.