This Remnant 2 Weapons guide provides a comprehensive list of every weapon available in Remnant 2, along with information on how to obtain them and harness their power.

Remnant 2 has a seriously long list of weapons. In this article, we will be looking at all of the firearms this title has offer in detail.
The Remnant 2 Weapons have been divided into three categories based on what ammo they use as well as if they are a melee weapon or not.
Remnant 2 Weapons: Long Guns
Long Guns have the longest range as well as the most firepower in Remnant 2. The below section contains all the details about these Remnant 2 weapons along with their powers and ways to obtain them.
- Alpha/Omega
Releases up to five energy bolts in one charge. A hit reduces the charge time as well as increases damage.
With the mod on, it’ll brand a target and enemies die to leave their brand behind. Reload or swap the weapon to detonate the brands. Opponents killed with this effect retore ammo and regenerate mod power.
To obtain this weapon, give McCabe the Forgotten Memory item of the final boss.
- Aphelion
This is a space-based weapon with a wide-arc shot that slices all opponents.
The mod allows it to shoot the compressed remains of a dying star. Primary fire explodes on contact, delivering damage over time. The supernova, if shot, causes a huge explosion, damage, and another shockwave.
To obtain this Remnant 2 weapon, obtain the Override Pin from a temple of the Timeless Horizon on N’erud. Summon the Sha’Hala: Spectral Guardian final boss through the console with this. Beat him to obtain the Void Cipher to craft this weapon.
- AS-10 Bulldog
This is an automatic drum-fed shotgun. Best for close-quarters fights. Not so for long ranges.
To obtain this Remnant 2 weapon, purchase it from Brabus in the Ward or select it as the Challenger class starter weapon.
- Blackmaw AR-47
Fully automatic rifle of medium capacity. For best results, use in bursts and not continuously.
This is the Handler class starter weapon. Or you can purchase it from Brabus in the Ward.
- Chicago Typewriter
A Tommy Gun with slow reload but large capacity. It becomes more accurate the longer it’s fired.
If you have the MP60-R already, this weapon is on the other side of the glass. Go to Fractured Ingress in the Labyrinth. Go up the stairs to the right of where you spawn. At the fork upstairs, turn right, and there will be another portal behind the portal there. This’ll lead to a dead end but you can jump and climb to the first room. Jump into a secret area above this portal. Go on for some time to come to a portal that leads back to the Ward. On the way, check in a cargo container to grab some ammo.
- Coach Gun
A double-barrelled shotgun shooting slugs that do high damage with a good fire rate. The magazine capacity is low.
You can purchase this weapon from Brabus in the Ward.
- Crossbow
A single-shot crossbow. Lethal, silent, and pinpoint accurate.
To obtain this Remnant 2 weapon, find four symbols in Yaesha to complete the plinth puzzle in the Imperial Gardens domain. The floor opens after the completion of the puzzle to reveal the weapon.
- Deceit
A highly-accurate split-barrelled rifle shooting two rails at once. Great base damage but Weakpoint hits aren’t possible.
The mod allows for the invoking of three sword fragments revolving around the wielder. Do a melee attack and a fragment will hit an enemy and taint their blood. This leads to all attacks from Deceit registering as Weakspot hits for some time. You’ll lose all of the fragments if you charge a melee attack.
Kill Faelin in the Beatific Palace on Losomn, get the Imposter’s Heart, and give it to McCabe to obtain this weapon.
- Fords Scattergun
This weapon is a super-powerful 12-gauge shotgun with high damage, slow reload, and widespread.
This is the Explorer class starter weapon.
- Huntmaster M1
A highly accurate, high-powered, long-range, bolt-action rifle with a 2.5x scope.
This is the Hunter class starter weapon. Or you can purchase it from Brabus in the Ward.
- Merciless
The Ravager bears this weapon after consuming the Doe. It fires tooth-like flechettes causing bleeding over time.
The mod allows for a blast that penetrates every opponent, delivering damage, with a high critical damage boost. It delivers more stagger damage as well.
To obtain this Remnant 2 weapon, ignore the Corrupted Ravager’s offer, shoot it, keep fighting it for a bit, then let it eat the Doe. Kill it after this to get the Crimson Membrane. Take this to McCabe.
- Nightfall
A semi-automatic shooting hardened bone shards at a medium rate causing bonus stagger. It’ll yell when you reload it.
The mod lets Nightfall become fully automatic and grants infinite ammo, a boost in fire rate, and lifesteal. The player proves harder to hit while moving. However, no other weapons or skills are allowed during this period.
Obtain this weapon by obtaining the Cursed Dream Silks material from the Nightweaver boss and go to McCabe to turn it into Nightfall.
- Royal Hunting Bow
This Remnant 2 weapon has a high critical hit chance and a low sound profile. Damage boost for Weakspot hits. Charge it for a damage boost and release it as soon as the charge is finished for another damage boost.
Defeat Fae in his match-three puzzle game in the Postulant’s Parlor in Losomn. Obtain this weapon from behind him behind a now-open door.
- Rusty Lever Action
A tutorial rifle of below-average stats. You can obtain this Remnant 2 weapon from The Corrupted Boss on Yaesha and give it to McCabe to obtain this weapon.
- Twisted Arbalest
This weapon shoots a bouncing energy disk capable of hitting up to five enemies at once. Each bounce reduces the damage.
The mod lets the fire become Empowered while highlighting hit opponents. Activate the mode to let a Guardian Sword attack such opponents. This will cause both damage as well as stagger.
Obtain the Twisted Lazurite material from The Corrupted Boss on Yaesha and give it to McCabe to obtain this weapon.
- Widowmaker
A long-range and highly-accurate single-shot rifle with a 3x scope.
Purchase this Remnant 2 weapon from Brabus in the Ward.
- Wrangler 1860
An all-rounder lever-action rifle with a slow reload.
Purchase this weapon from Brabus in the Ward. It is also the starting weapon for the Gunslinger class.
- XMG57 Bonesaw
A high-capacity and long-reload-time weapon with overheating issues. Accuracy increases with firing. This weapon was designed for prolonged suppressive use.
Purchase this Remnant 2 weapon from Brabus in the Ward. It is also the starting weapon for the Medic class.

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Remnant 2 Weapons: Handguns
Smaller than Long Guns, Handguns lack the punch of them as well. But they are easier to wield. However, some of these Remnant 2 weapons have impressive fire rates and high accuracy with long range too.
- Cube Gun
This weapon has five bullets with a chance of overheating. The bullets bounce back after hitting an object or reaching max range.
The mod generates a Cube Shield that absorbs projectile damage. You can repel these projectiles to do damage to opponents by activating the mod while Cube Shield is up.
Give the Conflux Prism material from the Labyrinth Sentinel boss to McCabe to obtain this weapon.
- Double Barrel
A highly-damaging double-barrel shotgun. Works best at close range.
This Remnant 2 weapon is the starting weapon of the Alchemist class. Or you can obtain this after the Head Doctor and the Iron Safe event in Losomn, Morrow Parish, within an Iron Safe.
- Enigma
This weapon fires an electric stream in an arc to deliver damage which decreases by 25% per jump while also applying overload.
The mod lets out electric rods that tether to other rods within a 10-meter radius to do shock damage every second. More rods increase the damage. Rods at the same target do not link.
Walk through the changing portal in the Labyrinth when it is aiming at nothing. You’ll land on a floor. Take the Cipher Rod from here to McCabe to obtain the Enigma.
- Hellfire
A flame-thrower corrupted by Root.
The mod allows for an explosive round of a very large radius.
Obtain this Remnant 2 weapon from Root Earth from the first checkpoint, the Ashen Wasteland. Locate a truck that seems to have fallen from above on the ground floor from among the variety of vehicles. Climb into the crater from the impact and collect the weapon.
- MP60-R
A submachine gun with a small caliber. Great in close-quarter combats.
With the code on the underside of the lantern that Ford gives you, unlock the chest in his room in the Ward. Take the key from here to the container yard and open the door to find this weapon inside.
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- Nebula
Shoots acid gas that does the corroded effect causing damage over time. Killing a hit opponent will spawn a gas cloud that will cause the corroded effect as well.
The mod lets loose Nanomachines that do acid damage to enemies within range.
Give the Spiced Bile from killing the Tal’ratha Boss on N’erud to McCabe to obtain this weapon.
- Repeater Pistol
A semi-automatic accurate pistol.
Purchase this Remnant 2 weapon from Brabus in the Ward. It is also the starting weapon for the Hunter class.
- Rupture Cannon
A mid-range pistol shotgun with a great fire rate.
During the rotating pillars scene in the final sequence within the Vault of the Formless on N’erud, wait inside the second one until in turns. Then walk out and take the key and then continue onwards. The Rupture Cannon is behind a locked door near the end of the confrontation.
- Rusty Repeater
A below-average pistol.
It’s a tutorial handgun.
- Service Pistol
A highly accurate and reliable standard military pistol.
Purchase this weapon from Brabus in the Ward. It is also the starting weapon for the Medic class.
- Silverback Model 500
A low-capacity yet powerful hand cannon. Does high damage and has a great kick.
Purchase this Remnant 2 weapon from Brabus in the Ward. It is also the starting weapon for the Challenger class.
- Sorrow
A crossbow pistol with the ability to recall its bolts and heal the player.
The mod lets the object from which recalled bolts are pulled be damaged as well as those who are in the path of the receding bolt. There are also heals per recalled bolt. Overfilling of Sorrow is also possible.
To obtain this weapon, take the Tears of Kaeula ring from the Kaeula’s Rest and give it to Meidra in the Dappled Glade on Yaesha.
- Star Shot
A projectile-firing weapon that explodes on contact.
The mod funnels all charges into a single shot that explodes with direct damage that goes up with each charge. This explosion also does burning damage over time.
After finishing the Dark Conduit dungeon on N’erud, level it and light up the huge robot outside. Interact with up to six pods with red blinking lights. The robot will gather these, allowing you to collect the items at the bottom of the floor.
- Sureshot
A mid-to-long-range hunting pistol. High-caliber and single-shot.
Purchase this weapon from Brabus in the Ward.
- Tech 22
A suppressed small-caliber automatic pistol. Has a high fire rate and a medium ammo capacity.
Purchase this Remnant 2 weapon from Brabus in the Ward. It is also the starting weapon for the Handler class.
- Western Classic
A standard six-shot pistol.
Purchase this weapon from Brabus in the Ward. It is also the starting weapon for the Gunslinger class.

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Remnant 2 Weapons: Melee weapons
Melee weapons are much more important in Remnant 2 as compared to the previous title. In builds, they are important supports, sometimes even the main offensive tool. Many of these Remnant 2 weapons have skills that change attacks into special moves.
- Atom Splitter
It splits rocks.
A wave of energy is shot on Neutral Evade Attacks Atom Splitter causing damage to everything it touches.
In the catwalks section in the Putrid Domain on N’erud, jump onto a platform when it is lifted by the mechanical arms. Then jump onto a catwalk above. Walk on and obtain the weapon.
- Blade Of Gul
A short, thick sword with fast and hard-hitting attacks, used by Gul Warriors.
Purchase this Remnant 2 weapon from the Bloodmoon Altar on Yaesha, mostly by the Root Nexus.
- Bone Chopper
A hand axe that can do double attacks when charged.
This is the starting weapon of the Alchemist class.
- Dreamcatcher
A light, long, but hard-hitting staff.
Its special move allows for a Dreamwave at the use of a charge attack after 250 damage has been dealt. All hit opponents are slowed down and a stack of Reverie is granted for each hit opponent. Reverie provides boosted damage and movement speed per stack.
Give the woman who makes statues in the prison cell in the basement of the Asylum on Losomn three Stone dolls to obtain the Nightweaver Stone Doll. Now, give this Doll to a veil that’s right before a Red Crystal just before the Nightweaver fights to obtain Dreamcatcher.
- Edge Of The Forest
A beautiful and light sword.
Obtain this weapon in the Imperial Gardens on Yaesha, behind a Root Cyst Wall.
- Gas Giant
This weapon releases dormant poisonous gas. When it’s infused, it applies corroded.
The special move allows for a Neutral backdash charge attack when Gas Giant is infused in an AOE. The aftermath is an acid cloud.
Let Tal’rotha eat you on N’erud. Then, beat his metaphysical form. Take the Acidic Jawbone he drops to McCabe to obtain this Remnant 2 weapon.
- Godsplitter
An advanced Fae metallurgy-produced sword. Beautiful and balanced.
The special move lets all melee attacks register as Weakspot hits for some time when Charge Attacks taint the blood of all that they hit.
Give the Melded Hilt item Faerin drops after being defeated in the Malefic Palace on Losomn to McCabe to obtain this weapon.
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- Steel Katana
A serrated-edge sword.
Purchase this weapon from Brabus in the Ward.
- Steel Sword
A sharp and long blade manufactured from vehicle leaf springs. An all-rounder.
This is the Hunter class starter weapon. Or you can purchase it from Brabus in the Ward.
- Steel Flail
This weapon uses momentum to attack. Some attacks chain overhead swings continuously.
This is the Medic class starter weapon. Or you can purchase it from Brabus in the Ward.
- Steel Spear
This weapon is great for quick strikes against single opponents.
Purchase this weapon from Brabus in the Ward.
- Scrap Hammer
Manufactured from engine parts, this is a heavy and large but seriously powerful Warhammer.
Purchase this Remnant 2 weapon from Brabus in the Ward.
- Scrap Hatchet
A fast-striking melee weapon.
This is the Gunslinger class starter weapon. Or you can purchase it from Brabus in the Ward.
- Scrap Staff
A weapon with a wide arc range of attack.
Purchase this weapon from Brabus in the Ward.
- Hero’s Sword
A fast and versatile sword bearing a secret power.
The special move allows charge attacks to use stamina and give off energy wave projectiles. This is the Explorer class starter melee weapon.
- Iron Greatsword
A broadsword made from railroad tracks.
This is the Challenger class starter weapon. Or you can purchase it from Brabus in the Ward.

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- Knuckle Dusters
Steel knuckles with sawblades.
Purchase this Remnant 2 weapon from Brabus in the Ward.
- Krell Axe
Infused with shock magic, it returns to the player when thrown.
The special move allows charging attacks to apply overloaded on hitting an opponent with the axe as well as delivering shock damage over time.
A floor switch after the checkpoint within Enduria’s End on Yaesha reveals a small maze. The axe lies hidden in one of the rooms.
- Labyrinth Spear
Manufactured from parts of the Labyrinth, it delivers good damage. A charged attack grants additional mod power.
Get to the portal that keeps changing from the Fractured Ingress by turning left. Face the portal and turn left. Keep walking until you find a part of the map of a floor below. Drop down to this floor and keep walking to the end of it. A platform will appear to carry you to the other side. Walk straight and you’ll reach the spear.
- Ornate Blade
A light, intricate sword useful against stronger enemies.
Obtain this Remnant 2 weapon by finishing the Council Chamber quest.
- Rebellion Spear
A spear with good range and recovery. Not so great in multi-target combat.
To obtain this weapon, after saving the Doe on Yaesha, talk to Bedel of the Vaunt.
- Red Doe Staff
Rumored to contain a healing spirit, this staff has a wide arc of attack.
The special move lets the Spirit of the Red Doe drive forward and deliver damage. This Spirit only comes out after enough damage has been dealt. It also regenerates the health of friendlies.
On Yaesha, save the Doe by killing the Corrupted Ravager. Give the Cracked Doe’s Antler material to McCabe to obtain this weapon.
- Royal Broadsword
An Empress’s Royal Guard Greatsword. Heavy yet balanced.
At the Red Throne on Yaesha, lose the fight with the empress. You will be spawned in a prison that contains this sword.
- Rusted Claws
These are old canine bracers with metal blades.
This is the Handler class starter weapon. Or you can purchase it from Brabus in the Ward.
- Spectral Blade
A laser sword that cuts anyone with its infinitely sharp edge.
The special move allows for a whirlwind of slashes when doing a charge attack during a neutral backdash. This will hit all opponents within the distance.
To obtain this Remnant 2 weapon, take the Eidolon Shard material to McCabe from the Sha’Hala: Spectral Guardian boss of N’erud fight.
- Vice Grips
A N’erudian tool of low range but very high speed.
Look behind the statues when you meet The Custodian to find a hole in the floor. Go down and have the merchant below craft this weapon for you.
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And that brings us to the end of our guide on Remnant 2 Weapons. Be sure to try all of them at least once and explore the powers of each weaponry.
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